After the warning from Nogokpo Shrine to Afia Schwarznnegar, many people are still expecting them to forgive her. Even Before Nogokpo could forgive Afia, another powerful spiritualist has dropped fresh allegations on Queen Afia Schwarznnegar.
In a video shared on social media, one spiritualist called Nana Boame alleged that, he gave a witchcraft pot to Afia Schwarznnegar to do whatever pleases her in life. Been it riches, destroying somebody’s fortune, taking dominion over people or whatever.
However, the spiritualist was unhappy about why Afia Schwarznnegar came on social media to curse Chairman Wontumi.
” Afia Schwarznnegar could have mentioned the name of Chairman Wontumi’s name three times on the pot I gave her. She shouldn’t have come on social media to curse.” Nana Boame explained in the video.
” Perhaps the pot has lost its potency. I’m very sure because Afia Schwarznnegar has been fighting almost everybody on social media. Some people have powers that could destroy the pot” Nana Boame added.
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