Several factors can lead to unprotected copulation. Condoms can break, exposing you to a sexually transmitted infection. This unexpected and unexpected experience happened to some people.
However, according to Healthline, there are things you can do right now to avoid falling victim to the risks associated with this situation. This will help you protect yourself from infection. The following should be done immediately after unprotected copulation:
1. If you find the condom is broken, get up immediately and go to the toilet. When you go to the bathroom, try to get rid of any discharge from your genitals so it doesn’t cause an infection that could affect your urinary tract.
Try sitting at your dressing table and using your genital muscles to expel any remaining fluid from your body. Another thing that can help you is to force yourself to urinate immediately.
However, this is only to prevent the risk of sexually transmitted infections; does not interfere with pregnancy.
2. Do not spray water directly into your vagina. You may think cleaning is a good idea, but spraying water directly on your private area can increase your risk of infection.
This is because it can cause unusual sensitivity and inflammation in your private organs. The surest way to quickly clean yourself is to take a shower. If you need to apply water to your private area, please use warm water only.
3. If you think you have been infected, contact your doctor immediately for an examination. Be sure to talk to your doctor about it right away and don’t put it off until you’re clear.
Watch for changes in your body or signs of infection. Keep an eye on your private organs, mouth and anus.
If you see something strange, please don’t be silent about it and don’t self-medicate. Tell your doctor right away for immediate treatment.
Content created and supplied by: Bada004 (via Opera
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