Hausa koko is one of the most enjoyed breakfast cereal in the country. It is enjoyed by most people in Ghana and some parts of our continent. Hausa koko is mostly enjoyed with koose or bread. It’s packed with lots of goodness and health benefits. It’s a rich source of iron in the prevention of iron deficiency (due to its ability to help produce healthy red blood cells for healthy haemoglobin levels, which ensures healthy blood levels) because of the millet it contains. It’s again rich in fibre as well.
Here are some health benefits of koose.
The main ingredient of koose is beans, a plant protein, and a great source of iron for healthy red blood cells, for healthy haemoglobin and for healthy blood health. Koose also contains potassium, which helps with nerve function and enables muscle contraction. It has B vitamins, making it important for making sure the body cells function properly. The body is able to convert food to energy because of B vitamins to help create new blood cells and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells and other body tissues.
Content created and supplied by: AsieduSamuel_06 (via Opera
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