The speaker of parliament, Right Honorable Alban Kingsford Bagbin has sent a bold message to the Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori Atta for not appearing in parliament today, 16th June, 2022.
Ken Ofori Atta was expected to be in parliament today to give some answers and explanations to how the covid-19 funds were spent. He was expected to be in parliament on last Tuesday but failed. He was rescheduled to appear in the house today but failed again.
Due to his absence, the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin has ruled that the House will not entertain any business from the Finance Ministry until Ken Ofori-Atta appears before the House to render an account on how the Covid-19 funds were utilized.
Some Ghanaians have reacted to this and below are some reactions.
From the reactions above, some Ghanaians have hit hard on the government for failing to be accountable own their own expenditure.
This follows after some members of the NDC have been asking government to come to parliament to explain how the covid-19 funds were spent but government seem to have different excuses each day.
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