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Check Out The Benefits Of Eating These 8 Fruits On Regular Basis According Experts

Some fruits are very essential in human health. According to health experts, some fruits are very good for human health when consume on regular basis.

Guava. Fats in Guava is less than 1% and is among the richest fruit in vitamin C. Guava fruits have powerful antioxidant effects within the cell because of substances it contains which is known as Carotenoids. It helps in the treatment of Hypertension, because it is low in sodium and high in vegetable fiber. Guava leaves is good for blood cleansing because it neutralizes toxic substances in the blood. Boil the leaves and make a tea. It is also rich in soluble fiber called Pectin which helps to eliminate excess cholesterol through feaces.

Avocado. Avocado is a concentrated fruit with high nutritional value and its dietary properties. They contain no cholesterol and are among protein rich fruits. It helps in the treatment of heart diseases and treatment of Anemia because the iron in avocado is well assimilated. Avocado also helps to maintain an appropriate blood glucose level, thereby good for the diabetics. It helps in the treatment of Stomach Ulcer and Skin Infection when the oil is applied directly to skin.

Cashew Nuts. Cashew nuts are rich in Minerals and Vitamins such as vit B1 and B2, potassium, iron and magnesium which are essential for nervous stability. Also good for weakness and depression treatment.

Coconut. Coconut is anti bacteria in nature. Its oil when extracted is used for the treatment of chronic skin infections and hair treatment. It helps to eliminate cholera germs from the intestines and boost the immune system.

Cucumber. Cucumber helps in fighting Constipation because of its fiber contents, It also help in the treatment of arthritis and diabetes. It freshens the skin and prevents pimples when applied regularly over the face.

Banana. Banana is good for stress control, its potassium helps to normalize the heart beat. It contains about 1% of protein and rich in folate which prevents fetal nervous system malformation, it is therefore good for pregnancy. Banana helps in relieving diarrhea in kids and adults and the reducing the effects of ulcer by neutralizing excess acidity of gastric juices produced in the stomach.

Red Apple. Red Apple contains Pectin which helps to facilitate the elimination of toxins from the body. It also help to alkalize the tissues and blood. When chewed properly, the acidic in apple kills germs present in the mouth. When consumed regularly, apple enhances food digestion and lowers high blood pressure due to its low sodium contents.

Watermelon. Watermelon contains fiber, water, protein, vitamin A, B, C, which is needed for the resistance against infection. It enhances free flow of urine, treats constipation and can correct early stage of kidney disease.

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