The issues of malnutrition and starvation in most parts of Africa especially the East is on the rise and if nothing is done soon would be catastrophic.
The UN has warned of an “explosion of child deaths” due to a worsening hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa.
In Somalian mothers have to walk for many kilometers in hopes of obtaining food to save their children. The refugee camps in East Africa are getting overwhelmed as people troop in each day.
Climaxed with conflicts and political instability, this region is truly on the verge of citizens being wipe out. With some sections facing severe drought, famine and high food scarcity, others suffer from disease outbreaks and inaccessibility to health care.
Despite the plight of people, this region has leaders who are well fed and comfortable and one is left wondering what these leaders are doing and how long would people continue to suffer in such conditions.
With children and women being the most affected, what does this mean for the country years to come.
Content created and supplied by: Jaynel (via Opera
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