The consistency in the way the Ghana police is handling issues in this country is raising eyebrows. People are in shock regarding the activities of the police. From the media, the activities of the police service of late is appalling and we would never have known if not for technology. The ability to record the activities of the police on the media and post them online have given us some ideas and evidences on their attitudes.
The Ghana police at the Islamic shs demonstration have shot and used teargas in the midst of innocent school children who were only demonstrating for a better environment to stay in. These kids have absolutely no idea of the enforcement of police to disperse them because they do not even know what violence is all about.
These kids were dispersed with teargas and people are shocked as to how the police could do such a thing. People believe that the IGP is going in a wrong direction or incapable of managing his boys. The behaviors of these police officers should be reprimanded and avoided before any major harm is done.
Content created and supplied by: Richisen (via Opera
News )