After looking at a large number of millionaires’ hands, in-depth readings revealed a lot of parallels (especially the self-made ones). The five main personal qualities that must be strong are drive, determination, passion, energy, and intelligence. What are the signs on the hands, on the other hand?
The square palm represents someone who is well-organized and steady, and who knows how things work. With moderately tough skin, the hand should feel firm, but not hard. A strong hand indicates a high level of vitality.
In the hands of a millionaire, the fingers also exhibit things in common. The fingers, especially the little finger, are usually lengthy. Mercury, the planet of intellect, is the ruler of the pinkie. Someone with an extended pinkie can think effectively and communicate themselves. It also represents someone who is good with money.
The average angle of the thumb indicates a healthy, responsible attitude as well as leadership qualities. It portrays a laid-back, frank, and self-assured personality. The topic is neither secret nor too accessible. It shows someone who is generous and giving while also being prudent with their money.
The fate line (Saturn’s line) appears frequently in the hands of millionaires, and it is nearly always seen extremely clearly; in many cases, there are two fate lines. The fate line progresses to the middle finger. Look for growing branch lines, which could indicate a financial increase.
The rising line of Apollo is an important line (sun line). The area around the ring finger and the mount beneath it is known as Apollo. A vertical line that starts low on the palm and rises into the mount of Apollo should be plainly visible. It can also emerge from the head or heart lines.
The arts, fame and money, are represented by the line beneath the ring finger. This Apollo line must have a sufficiently clear-cut and continuous line with a sharp definition in order to indicate achievement. Two of these sentences are particularly fortunate for a wealthy individual.
A business line is a line that runs from the heart line to the little finger and should be inked clearly as well.
See if you were born to be a millionaire by looking at your palm. If you discover you have a millionaire palm reading, don’t get too comfortable. If you fold your hands and believe that money will fall from the sky and make you a millionaire, you are mistaken. So put in a lot of effort if you want to be a millionaire.
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Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
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