The rate at which accidents is happening in Ghana these days in very terrible and sad. Everyday it is possible that an incidence of accident will occur in Ghana. It is our fervent prayers that God almighty will come to our aid and rescue us from terrible and deadly accidents.
UTV Ghana reporting the evening news at 6 today 13th June 2022, drops details to another deadly accident which occured in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. According to the report, the driver who was driving a particular vehicle with registration number 8148 – 12 was driving on a top speed and as a result, his brake failed him.
The driver crushed into into four vehicles moving at the opposite direction leading to the death of one person at the spot of the deadly accident. Those around Dzorwulu Junction rushed to the scene to rescue passengers on board. It was observed that, two other passengers sustained serious injuries and they were rushed to the hospital.
Content created and supplied by: EducationGH (via Opera
News )