The Ghana meteorological service is in charge of predicting the weather patterns across the country. They have released their predictions today, 12th June, 2022.
The entire country will be cloudy this morning with pockets of slight rain. Breaks of sunshine will be experienced later. Thunderstorms or rains are expected over parts of the northern and transition zones later in the day.
In summary, few cases of slight rains are expected over the southern parts of the country. The upper regions are expected to experience same this morning. Sunny conditions are expected across the whole country this afternoon. The northern sector experience cases of thunderstorms and rain later in the afternoon. Early morning mist are expected in the mountain and forest areas parts of the costal belt.
Accra will also have a maximum temperature of 27°C and a minimum temperature of 23°C. Take a look at the forecast chart below.
Content created and supplied by: Osheanews (via Opera
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