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Woman Reveals What Happened To Her After She Went To Her Mother’s Shrine Before She Travelled

A 61-year-old woman from Ejisu-Besease but staying in Accra shares her story about how she has been seeing unusual things since her mother died. According to the woman, she gave birth to her first child after she completed school in 1971.

Years later she traveled to Accra in search of a job. She met another man in the car and he propose to her, she too decide to stay with him. They went to Koforidua and started doing their business. Three years later, the man advised her to let them use the money they got to travel to Germany.

The woman said she then inform her mother who was a fetish priest about their preparation for their traveling. Her mother convinced her that she has to go to her shrine for protection before she will leave. She agreed with her mother and they went to the shrine to offer sacrifice.

The woman shares that they went to Germany and start working but they were deported back to Ghana. When she came back, her mother advised her to go and give thanks to the smaller gods but she told her that she didn’t get anything from the traveling so she can’t go to the shrine again. The woman said they travel again to Algeria to establish a restaurant but anytime she comes to Ghana her mother keeps giving her pressure to visit the shrine.

Years later her mother died and she came back to settle in Ghana. She reveals that after the death of her mother, she started seeing unusual things in her room both day and night. She started drinking alcohol due to what she was going through. The woman said how she has been seeing unusual things got worse and now she can’t even sleep in her room.

Content created and supplied by: Ccobbina (via Opera
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