Words they say have power. Life and death are indeed in the power of tongue.
Dr Prosper Ogum gave a vivid prophecy about himself coaching the great Ghanaian club Kumasi Asante Kotoko some years back. Today, he is a celebrated Coach of the club after winning this year’s premier league with the club.
His firm believe about himself and the club just manifested as he said it to be.
According to Dr Prosper Ogum, he once told his learners that one day he will be the head coach of Kumasi Asante Kotoko football club and his words just come true.
He noted “I once told my students that one day I will Coach Kumasi Asante Kotoko SC, I even went further to sit on the Coach’s seat and asked my students to take a picture of me on the seat.”I had gone on a similar tour at Hearts of Oak but even there, I stated categorically that I will coach Kotoko one day. I love the club and how they do their stuff. When they’re happy it is to the extreme and when they’re angry it’s also to the extreme.”
Content created and supplied by: Dolaw (via Opera
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