Additionally, on Monday, we had three interesting prayer points, and we’ve already noticed a shift in the situation. Lord should turn their counsel into foolishness, so that every plan they come up with will go backwards. Another prayer is for God to divide their camp, because a house divided against itself cannot stand, and a third prayer is for God to magnify everything so that they will be terrified.
This is a good example of the infantile nature of the body of Christ when it comes to making emotional statements when things like this happen.” That those tasked with leading are making such emotional declarations is regrettable.
Six geopolitical zones make up the country’s population of 200 million. Can law and order be maintained if each zone has 10,000 untrained gun owners? Is there any way to explain them? Is it possible that we will be able to control the violence?
A spiritual approach is required to deal with these issues because of their spiritual nature. “Before a strategic plan can be made to hold power against these people, it is necessary to address them in the spirit realm, where even animals have mercy on children.
Content created and supplied by: Devarsh_Arena (via Opera
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