We like to make people we love happy by doing something crazy or something that will impress them. This man I’m about to share his picture with was seen trying to impress an over-sized lady sitting on a plastic chair. The man was standing in front of the lady, holding the chair she was sitting in and constantly twerking her waist in an attempt to impress her. But what happened later got people reacting. The chairs broke down, and the lady landed on the ground.
People rush to pick her up. The video is really interesting to watch. I hope the lady is OK because the video was cut short after she fell. I think her size makes the chair break easily like that. Usual users who come across the video can’t stop reacting. Some users think the man twerking made the woman lose her control and that is why the chair broke down. Some users also question if the floor where the lady fell down is OK.
The reactions from users online are really funny to read. How would you react if you were to be the one trying to impress a lady and something like this happened to her?
See reactions from individuals online.
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