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4 Controls You Need For A Successful Marriage And Relationship

The Peace in many Relationships and Marriages were killed by a loose tongue

Words can Kill

When your tongue is as sharp as “aboki” knife, as bitter as bitter kola, and as lethal as snake venom, your Relationship/Marriage will look like a victim of jungle justice

Let your words be edited before they are published from your mouth

2. Ability to stay in control of yourself when angry is priceless.

When you get angry, do you explode? Or you implode.

When you get angry, do you go beast mode

Learn good anger management skills at every stage of your life, it’s needed.

5 minutes Anger can make you ruin a Relationship/Marriage that has taken you 5 Years to build.

3. When Envious, When Sad, When Unhappy, your emotion should not fully determine your actions, but your spiritual and moral conviction.

You must be able to display stability irrespective of the instability of your moods as they come and go.

Mood Swings if not well managed can Swing your Relationship/Marriage away

4. Discipline is very important in this area.. Sex is just an appetite, it shouldn’t control you

I remember a Man who lost a beautiful Marriage of over 6 years because of his “love for buttocks” as he himself put it.

Even if you’re in a Relationship or Married, you’ll be tempted.

You’ll still see People with bigger, firmer, ‘more perfect’ body parts and better physical appeal, some will even offer themselves to you for free like a living sacrifice, but you must be able to say “No, I’m in a relationship/married”, otherwise.

Don’t lose your Marriage because you are loss

Content created and supplied by: LizzyMedia (via Opera
News )

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