Official Qatar World Cup logo
With barely five months to start the mundial, the host has been feverishly making arrangements to accommodate the teaming fans. The safety of the fans and players in general have also been attended to.
For places of abode, Qatar has gone out of the way to make available a large yacht with a total of 46,000 guest rooms. Each room is projected to host two people. Total cost of a room is estimated at £6,000. This will be equivalent to 59,160 Ghana cedis.
The edifice is a sight to behold.
Boat for fans accommodation
A lower budget accommodation has also been provided in the desert sand. Tents have been erected on the sand stretch with cozy interiors.
Fan camp in the desert
Regarding security, the desert nation has acquired the services of 32,000 bomb experts from Turkey and Ireland. These professionals are to detect and diffuse any explosive that could cause mayhem during the tournament.
They are equipped with up-to-date state of the art equipment in order to ensure a safe tournament.
We hope this year’s tournament will be one of kind.
Content created and supplied by: ajwolf (via Opera
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