Monkeypox is a rare but potentially serious viral illness that can be transmitted from person to person through direct contact with body fluid or monkeypox lesions.
The unfortunate news hitting Ghana today is that 5 cases of the Monkeypox virus has been confirm in the country by the Ghana Health Service (GHS).
The Director-General of the GHS, Dr Patrick Kuma- Aboagye confirmed earlier today that, cases of the monkeypox has been recorded in Western, Accra and the Eastern regions. He made this known today at a press conference held in Accra.
Dr. Kuma-Aboagye said no death has been recorded yet out of the five cases.
Currently there is no specific treatment for monkeypox, nevertheless, the health system has been relying on antipyretics drugs to treat mild symptoms such as fever and analgesics drugs for pain relief.
Though there are vaccines, its can be justified that Ghana has some yet.
“Adequate nutrition and rehydration are also important,” he added.
In other to contain the disease, GHS has urged Ghanaians to practice regular hand washing, avoid close contact, and always wear masks. Also adequate nutrition and rehydration are also important.
More photos of people with the virus. Please like and share.
Content created and supplied by: KonkeNews (via Opera
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