The Government of Ghana led by His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo is set to introduce a new scheme known as the National Renting Scheme.
According to a tweet report from Ghana Presidency, the reason for the introduction of the National Renting Scheme is to provide rent allowance to eligible Ghanaians.
The report also noted that the National Renting Scheme is aimed at bridging the deficit and address housing issues, The government is therefore putting measures in place to get the scheme rolling to assist eligible Ghanaians.
The have been general concerns of high increasing rental cost especially rent advance that landlords often demand. Though the rent laws of the land if we’ll implemented should have resolve some of these basic concerns, the enforcement is quite facing challenges.
The idea is brilliant if it will not be implemented to still favour those who don’t actually need it but will be use to help the vulnerable. The rent advance will definitely aid many who are in the starting face of life especially those who complete colleges and other institutions that are looking for work or haven’t received their salary yet.
The modalities for accessing the rent allowance should also be looked at in order to to make accessibility difficult.
Content created and supplied by: Dolaw (via Opera
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