How are you doing, my fellow readers? I hope you are fine as I’m over. I’m about to let you know the three major effects of drawing or having a tattoo on your body. So please sit down and relax while reading carefully to the end. Thank you.
1. It is permanent.
A tattoo on your skin is going to be there forever. Unless you make up your mind to erase it. And let me tell you this, it is not easy to erase because you are really going to feel the pain. There is this laser that they use to erase. One of the effects of using a laser to erase tattoos on your skin is that it is going to darken or lighten the particular area of skin.
2. It travels.
The tattoo ink travels throughout the body until it finds a home in the lymph nodes. According to studies, 30% of tattoo ink can travel throughout the body. And migrating ink could cause a problem battling certain illnesses with unexpected discoloration in those glands and organs.
3. Breach the skin.
Having a tattoo on your skin can cause a skin infection and other complications. It can cause an itchy rash at the tattoo site. That site will itch even years after you get the tattoo.
Thank you for reading. I hope you like the article.
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