Oliver Barker-Vormawor is a shameful example of what is wrong in Ghana as a country, he spewed rhetoric that so many believe willingly, that has no basis in fact. He, along with those that support him need to be held accountable,” Fixing the Country Movement has said.
Police statement
The Ghana Police Service on Wednesday responded to a group intending to embark on a three-day ‘armed’ demonstration.
The group made up of broadcasters Captain Smart and Okatakyie Afrifa, convener of the #FixTheCountry, Oliver Barker-Vormawor and Benjamin Darko intends to demonstrate on June 4 and picket at the Ghana Police Headquarters and the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC).
However, according to the police, the demonstration has the potential to disrupt public order and public safety; hence they should reconsider and organize a lawful and peaceful protest”.
Nation Wreckers
Fixing the Country Movement, speaking to the media on Thursday said “we’re honestly at a loss at how idiotic these political self-seekers who are mere politicians of fortune and their enablers have been. We’re also appalled by the reckless behavior of these guys and by the lack of respect shown for our institutions, constitution and our law enforcement”.
“This anarchist of an activist pretending to believe in Democracy described our military as “USELESS,” and because the “useless” military has abstained from partisan politics and conducted themselves professionally, he will do the coup himself. He also posted a random video of a burning V8 vehicle with the caption “Has the REVOLUTION started?”
And this same guy is asking the police administration to allow him demonstrate with weapons. Ladies and gentlemen, how would you describe this recklessness by Oliver Barker-Vormawor and his gangster friends? Oliver Barker-Vormawor is a shameful example of what is wrong in Ghana as a country, he spewed rhetoric that so many believe willingly, that has no basis in fact. He, along with those that support him needs to be held accountable.
The group has meanwhile, cautioned Oliver Barker-Vormawor to “take heed…lest he follows the corpse to the grave like the stubborn fly”.
“In the words of the great French Military and Political Strategist, the man widely considered one of the greatest military generals in history, Napoleon Bonaparte, in politics, stupidity is not a handicap. He also averred that there are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind.
Let Oliver Barker-Vormawor take heed of advise and listen to these words of wisdom, lest he follows the corpse to the grave like the stubborn fly”.
Read the group’s statement below
Statement By Fixing The Country Movement At A Press Conference Held On Thursday 02/06/2022 In Accra On June 4 demonstration.
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen of the media, we are compelled to assemble you here once again to do justice to some pertinent issues.
We have become aware of a letter from the police administration detailing the request made on the state by a group of NDC-aligned elements Oliver Barker-Vormawor, Mensah Thompson, Okatakyie Afrifa Mensah and Captain Smart.
Ladies and gentlemen of the media, what these nation wreckers are basically seeking to do is to stage demonstrations for four consecutive days with their own armed security detail.
They essentially want to demonstrate with their registered weapons and they’re prepared to come with their private security, and they are also forcefully demanding to be allowed to address the Nation with their grievances on GTV.
As a matter of fact, these nation wreckers are asking the state to look on while they engage in total madness with guns on the street. In other words, they’re calling for total anarchy.
Thankfully, the Police in a clear language has told the group that the PUBLIC ORDER ACT, 1994 ACT 491 does not make room for such prepositions.
Ladies and gentlemen of the media, although we recognize the importance of the constitutionally protected rights to assemble and protest, Fixing The Country Movement abhors and rejects the acts that perpetuate systemic violence and undermining of institutions of state.
It is horrific and ultimately tragic to note that there are people in this country who want the disruption of the relative peace that we’re enjoying.
The Fixing The Country Movement cherishes the free speech right of the people “peaceably to assemble” to share their grievances. But that this whole demonstration has nothing to do with “peaceably assemble.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the leader of this gang, Oliver Barker-Vormawor, an appendage of the John Mahama led NDC is already facing treasonable charges for threatening a coup d’état. He’s seeking to use this opportunity to follow through with his coup rhetoric.
This anarchist of an activist pretending to believe in Democracy described our military as “USELESS,” and because the “useless” military has abstain from partisan politics and conducted themselves professionally, he will do the coup himself. He also posted a random video of a burning V8 vehicle with the caption “Has the REVOLUTION started?”
And this same guy is asking the police administration to allow him demonstrate with weapons.
Ladies and gentlemen, how would you describe this recklessness by Oliver Barker-Vormawor and his gangster friends?
For us, we’re honestly at a loss at how idiotic these political self-seekers who are mere politicians of fortune and their enablers have been.
We’re also appalled by the reckless behavior of these guys and by the lack of respect shown for our institutions, constitution and our law enforcement.
These so-called Fix the country gangsters are calling for accountable governance but their hearts and minds are stained with impunity.
Oliver Barker-Vormawor is a shameful example of what is wrong in Ghana as a country, he spewed rhetoric that so many believe willingly, that has no basis in fact. He, along with those that supports him need to be held accountable.
Ladies and gentlemen, all over the world, throughout history, the treatment against traitors to a nation has always been the same: arrest swiftly, prosecute vigorously, sentence harshly. These gang should be treated the exact same way.
We must stand together—regardless of political party or point of view—to condemn this irresponsible behaviour, and to uphold, protect and defend our homeland Ghana.
My father’s people have this saying that “no matter how beautiful a coffin looks, no one at the funeral wishes for death.”
Oliver Barker-Vormawor and needs to be told in plain words that their conduct warrant psychiatric evaluation. No sane person engages in such recklessness in the name of public advocacy.
Let it be on record that the only legitimate means of changing our government is through the ballot box. The only acceptable form of governance in this 21st century is through democratic elections. It is the only way to install – and the only way to change – an administration. The days of coups and government without votes are over.
Ghana is held in the highest esteem as the first post-colonial country to gain independence and the first African country to hold multi-party elections by universal suffrage. Ghana is the first, true African democracy.
As such, the INVISIBLE GHANAIAN YOUTH are on red alert to protect and defend the constitution and deal with any recalcitrant elements seeking to undermine our democratic gains.
Ladies and gentlemen of the media, Martin Luther King Jr., American Baptist Minister, led the struggle against racial discrimination in the 1960s, inspiring supporters with the power of his rhetoric. He advocated the principle of non-violent protest, affirming that opposition should be tackled with compassion rather than aggression.
That’s the essence of public advocacy. We engage in advocacy for a positive transformation and not endless whingeing and calls for coup d’état.
Citizens are entitled to call for accountable governance and leadership but in doing so, we must watch out for people who have hidden agendas and pretending to be more Patriotic than the rest of us.
In the words of the great French Military and Political Strategist, the man widely considered one of the greatest military generals in history, Napoleon Bonaparte, in politics, stupidity is not a handicap.
He also averred that there are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind.
Let Oliver Barker-Vormawor take heed of advise and listen to these words of wisdom, lest he follows the corpse to the grave like the stubborn fly.
Enough is Enough.
Ernst Kofi Owusu Bempah – Political Strategist and Convener of fixing the country movement
Source: Peacefmonline.com
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