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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
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Prayer To Call And Invite Help From God’s Angels

Your angels are with you at all times and in all places, ready and willing to help you in your life. Angels are made up entirely of energy, and they regard you as such. They can also work from inside this world of energy to assist you in making strong and positive changes in your life.

Your angels wish to assist you in realizing the immense light, spiritual strength, and divine love that you possess. They are prepared to assist you in obtaining a financial breakthrough in order to make your life more pleasant.

So, here’s how to contact your Angels for assistance in your life:

Put on some peaceful meditation music or simply turn off your TV, phone, and computer to set the mood. Find a comfortable place to sit and relax.

Concentrate on your breathing and imagine a cloud of Divine white light surrounding you.

To concentrate your energy, place your hands over your heart and breathe deeply into the area of your heart for a few moments. Because your heart is the channel via which you can communicate with your angels, focusing on it, breathing into it, and allowing it to open can assist you in feeling, seeing, knowing, hearing, and experiencing their presence.

Call the presence of your angels using the short prayer below when you’re feeling peaceful, centered, and ready… Alternatively, you might rewrite it in your own words.

“Dear, angels. Please come in and make contact with me right away. Allow me to sense and experience your presence by opening my heart and mind.

Thank you for being a part of my life and supporting me. Help me to let go of any mental or spiritual hurdles that are keeping me from living my genuine truth and fulfilling my soul purpose.

Help me to let go of any filters that are preventing me from having a direct relationship with God and the light, love, and presence of angels in my life.

I ask for your help in connecting with my real truth and the highest and finest possible life purpose. Please guide me and show me how to take the next step toward a life filled with more joy, love, and contentment.

Thank you for being a part of my journey. Help me to keep my heart open and to feel your love and guidance clearly.

Please provide me tangible proof that you’re with me… Assist me in keeping my energy cleansed, protected, and uplifted, and in remaining in alignment with love at all times.

Please assist me in sensing your light, love, and presence right now.

Thank you very much”.

Breathe deeply, relax, and allow your heart to open.

Take use of the higher vibration you’ve called in. Pay attention to your subtle senses, such as a change in your mood, a charge in the air, a deep sense of love, an inspired thought, or a vision…

These are all signs of the presence of your angels.

Please spread the word to your relatives and friends. Also, send in your feedback.

Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
News )


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