Our lifestyle and foodstuffs are gradually sending us to our early graves and crippling us with chronic diseases. We are consuming a lot of junk and toxic foods.
Foods that are supposed to give us nutrients, energy, and strength are being contaminated hence it rather weakens us. Researchers revealed that the accepted culture of receiving our foodstuffs in a white polythene bag is dangerous to our health.
They explained that; The white transparent polythene was originally not purposed to carry hot foods because it releases dangerous chemicals when exposed to hot temperatures.
The chemicals are called Bisphenol A and Phthalates they are well known for causing brain and liver damage. These two chemicals when exposed to hot temperatures react by injecting themselves into the heated environment. Therefore, if you wrap the rubber around a hot food item, the chemicals inject themselves into the food hence making the food poisonous before consumption.
Content created and supplied by: Rahman3009 (via Opera
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