Even though the kitchen harbors the most bacteria in the house, that’s not to say your bathroom is pristine. Every time you flush your toilet, an aerosol spray of water droplets, laden with bits of feces and urine, explodes into the bathroom. The bacteria contained in those bits of waste travel as far as eight feet from the toilet, onto your bathroom sink, the floor, and even your toothbrushes. Closing the toilet lid before flushing can limit the spray, but it won’t completely eliminate the spread of bacteria. Nothing is safe.
Homemade Toilet Cleaner
• 1⁄2 cup borax
• 1 cup white distilled vinegar
• 10 drops tea tree essential oil
• 10 drops of your favorite essential oil
1. Combine all ingredients and allow to sit in toilet bowl for at least 1 hour. For tougher stains, mix into a paste and apply directly to stains.
2. After it has been allowed to sit, use a toilet brush to scrub toilet clean.
Note: Use hydrogen peroxide or tea tree oil in the bathroom to kill bacteria and avoid the toxic fumes from commercial products.
Content created and supplied by: LizzyMedia (via Opera
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