With a new season on the line and tournaments ahead, several clubs and the National teams are changing and improving things around them within and outside the club such as Aponsorships, team squad, new kits, amongst others, and on such note – the Black Stars of Ghana has come in the view of this as a new kit was popped online which is believed to be their new home kit ahead of the AFCON qualifiers and the FIFA 2022 World Cup via renowned sports journalist Saddick Adams.
The unveiled new home kits which came to light today was designed by Puma. The new all-white kit under thorough observation has no strips on the phase – a plain to be precise with the logo of Ghana National Association above the chest area a star which symbolises emancipation and the Puma logo. The colours of Ghana which is the red, yellow and green was used in a horizontal strip form at the tip of the handle alongside the Puma trademark. Around the neck is a tread of stretch yellow underneath the base of it. And on the back of it, a plain as well and a small dimension of the Puma logo at the uppermost of the neck area.
What are your thoughts on this Jersey as compared to the previous home kit?.
Content created and supplied by: The_Honourable (via Opera
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