A verified facebook page of University for Development Studies is believe to have been tampered with by an anonymous individual after some posts generating from the page were seen to be totally different from the mandate and agenda of the institution.
Being the Oldest University in the North, the Social media page of the University posted about jokes and used some undefinable terms unusual of the university.
The University’s page posted about Jokes and insults to appear as if they were in a personal banter with an individual.
Does the post below suggest the Facebook account is Hacked based on the time the post appeared, Today 27th of May 2022, last working day and not in an official work time, 10pm.
Last night a Facebooker posted something he genuinely thought was a joke. UDS was at the receiving end of that joke. Students, alumni and staff of UDS expressed their displeasure and some people thought they were being too sensitive. This is my response.
1. Do I like jokes?
Yes, I like to take things easy. Yes, I like to poke fun at others. And yes, I enjoy humour and I dabble in it. But no, I do not encourage humour that hurts others.
2. How does one differentiate between a playful joke and an insult?
The answer is simply this; by how it makes the object of the joke feel – nothing more, nothing less. The object of the joke is the only one whose opinion in this, matters. If they’re offended, they’ve been insulted.
3. What should we do if we feel insulted by someone’s joke?
It’s a good idea to say so. For example, “I find that offensive.” That gives the other party a chance to clear it up, if that’s what they want to do. But if they flip you off with a dismissive, “can’t you take a joke?” I wouldn’t call that clearing it up. It confirms their lack of regard and consideration.
Furthermore, what people who want to engage in humor should note is that, humor largely depends on the level of closeness and familiarity between the joker and the object of the joke.
If they are close friends, you can be sure they are joking.
But if they derive pleasure from your indignation at the comment, yes that was an insult. If they tend to make eye contact, and in the case of social media, if they begin to tag others within their circles, as if to say “come and see what this person is saying”, then, yes that was an insult.
4. Why are some people so insensitive they can’t take a simple joke?
Here’s the thing: if you know that someone is too sensitive to “take a joke”, but you do so anyway, you are bullying and disrespecting that person. You are picking on this person with the full awareness that they will not take it well.
What else can be bullying, if this is not? From what I’ve seen, the people that say things like “they just can’t take a joke” or “they’re too sensitive” are aware that they’re being rude and disrespectful, but want to transfer the blame to their victim.
Such people are often small people who try to make themselves feel powerful at the expense of others. Very rarely are they comfortable taking the same treatment that they dish out. They are insecure, weak-minded, and just generally rude people.
Now that’s my take on how to create funny but reasonable jokes, devoid of subtle insults that can hurt the hard earned reputation of, especially, a University such as UDS.”
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