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Elikem Kotoko Writes: How Many Sir Johns Are Out There?

Elikem Kotoko, a known critic of the President Akufo-Addo led NPP government has added his voice to the ongoing brouhaha of Sir John’s WILL.

In a post shared on his official Facebook page on Tuesday, 24th May 2022, he wrote;


At this point you and I can only imagine the list of all who benefited from Sir John’s wealth while he was alive.

Then, you begin to think of those who had serious challenges with health, family, kids, education, rent, feeding, etc, and walked to him for a few cedis to solve any of those pressing family issues say GhC1,000.00 and he said he can only give GhC200.00 because he was broke or he didn’t help at all. You now know how wicked men can be especially politicians.

Well, who even said this, “fear delegates”. I think Sir John simply meant, FEAR POLITICIANS. If we must make Ghana better for all of us, it will take you and me, the youth to begin that process.

CONDEMN corruption because it is wrong and a deprivation of what you and I should benefit, but if you condemn it only because it’s not your turn to also do same, then we are all sinking slowly

Truth is just one, while we all condemn Sir John over his obviously ill-gotten wealth within 4 years, we should be asking how many Sir Johns is politics producing, we must cry as a nation

I have sat back quietly but in anger as I watch many youth now resort to jokes with news that should make them angry and say “no, never again”.

While the deceased Sir John Willed real and physical properties to his family seemingly obvious from corrupt practice (unproven though), many have taken to social media to begin an “audio Will challenge” making fun while actual beneficiaries such as the Michael Owusu, etc, enjoy what you a “footsoldier” fought for and gained nothing; except the monthly GhC100 for data and unstable GhC200 or so cramps thrown at you as you continue to live in that slam.

As youth, I am so troubled that our future continues to be mortgaged and even destroyed by people who won’t live in it, and are making adequate provision(s) for their family generations.

Persons you defend with all your might will often either turn their backs to you when you need help from them with some flimsy excuse of “no money”, or throw cramps around you and call it help.

Even as you condemn Sir John, let the biGGer picture be an EYE OPENER to you that nobody has your interest at heart more than yourself. Not many will be happy with this truth but someone has to speak it anyway, call me the gong-gong beater on this.

Look, be informed that any act of corruption by anyone anywhere, be it politician, church elder, etc, is a deprivation of you and me what is due us. In other words, whenever someone steals, be concerned because it could be what would have either come to you, a relative or a friend. That should make you angry.

Many of us today condemn CORRUPTION not because we see it to be evil anymore but instead because we are not the ones benefiting from that monster. It will only destroy this beautiful country further and our great grandchildren will be so disappointed in us and curse us in our graves, just as many of you are doing to the late Sir John now in his grave.

With the words of the Oklahoma City bomber of 1995 who was sentenced to death on Monday June 11, 2001, Timothy McVeigh, I leave you to your conscience, “I am the master of my fate, captain of my soul” an excerpt drawn from William Ernest Henley’s poetry titled INVICTUS. “

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