Two very handsome young men decided to share and express their love for each other on social media. Due to the level of their gorgeousness ladies on social media could not fathom how these good-looking men decided to be gays while so many women are in dire need of husbands and boyfriends.
Under a post shared by one social media user with the name of Naa Akweley Sackey about the gay guys, another social media user with the name Adom Bi Nti threw a challenge to everyone who had access to the gay guys to bring them to her and she believes she can make them forget their preference towards men under Naa Akweley Sackey’s update.
The social media user Adom Bi Nti didn’t specify how she intended to cast out or make them forget their preference for men. Meanwhile, other social media users were simply frustrated about the rate at which more handsome guys and pretty ladies are joining the LGBT community.
Content created and supplied by: Rahman3009 (via Opera
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