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Stop making noise and fix this: ‘hot’ news hit Chairman Wontumi as Ghanaians predict his fate

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In politics, ‘fear delegates’ is a popular adage that seems to linger any time the New Patroitic Party begins to organize its internal elections. This is because NPP delegates hardly forgive blunders committed by position holders and footsoldiers in the party hardly give second chance when their leaders make any mistake.

No wonder, the late Sir John, a former NPP General Secretary who was loved and admired lost an election and he propounded the phrase, ‘fear delegates ‘.

The Ashanti Region is the New Patroitic Party’s strong hold and its Regional Chairman has been in the news for his charismatic leadership towards assisting the party to win two consecutive elections. The Regional Chairman Wontumi has assured his party members that, if given a second chance, he will help implement a strategy that will propel NPP to stay in power longer than the usual eight years.

Many footsoldiers who do not want the style of leadership of Chairman Wontumi have opened their ‘mouths’ wide to spill the ‘beans’. These footsoldiers no longer want Chairman Wontumi because of some vehement reasons. Mohammed Inusah explained that Chairman Wontumi’s strategy is to steal and nothing else. King Calas seems to ignore the Chairman’s assurance message of breaking the eight by throwing a challenge to him to first retain his position as a Regional Chairman before thinking of other things.

Another angry Ghanaian, Eli Aku, has decided to bite hard. Eli has sent a strong advice to the Chairman to stop assuring party members about staying in power for more than the two terms because NPP would leave power. Eli Aku further added that Chairman Wontumi should stop making noise and rather ask the government to fix the economy before the party leaves power.

Faustina Amissah, an NDC sympathizer, also added his voice to the discussion by telling Chairman Wontumi that he would lose the elections because his own NPP members are saying that.

It would be important that as much as Chairman Wontumi wants the NPP to win a third term, he needs to verify if he can secure his seat. This may call for proper monitoring of feedback and providing the necessary support to aggrieved party members as well as Ghanaians in general.

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Ashanti Region

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