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The expert handling the cute tigers belonging to business mogul Freedom Jacob Caesar has explained that the two carnivorous animals are docile and nice to be with.
Identified as Samuel Tiwonitaaba Kuteba, the trainer said there’s nothing to be worried about following the public outcry by the residents claiming the animals threaten their safety among other salient concerns.
He spoke to reporters saying, “Since I came into contact with these animals I realized it is nice to be with them. Every time I come near them I don’t want to go back home because it is nice to be with them, they have a way of communicating. I love to be with them because of the way they are.”
Kuteba further indicated that Caesar’s tigers do not pose a threat to society because they have been declawed.
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“Tigers have some areas in their lives that make them very dangerous, that is their nails.
So we said if that is the dangerous part of them then why can’t we declaw them, so these animals that we are talking about that they are dangerous, their nails have been declawed, they don’t have nails,” he said.
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