Two suspected thieves were nearly lynch for stealing guinea fowls in the Kpawumo Community near Tamale on Thursday night.
The two young men, who were from Choggu Mma naayili went to the Kpawumo Community and stole a number of guinea fowls and fowls.
But, unfortunately for the suspects, they were arrested by some Community members.
The two were nearly lynch as they were tied with ropes and beaten to pulp.
According to Community members, for some time now, there has been rampant stealing of guinea fowls and fowls in the Kpawumo Community.
They were later sent to the Chief Palace and kept there before they were handed over to the polls to the Police.
Upon interrogations, the suspects revealed that, this is not the first time time they came to the Community to steal and they even stole goats from the Community.
They were arrested by watch dog Committee from the Kpawumo Community.
Content created and supplied by: Tawheednews (via Opera
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