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Payroll Fraud: Controller and Accountant General Department Cautions Government Workers.

On a daily basis, several cases of internet fraud have been recorded on various platforms. The high risk of engaging in mobile transactions has increased in this era where almost all countries are making efforts towards a transition from a cash to a cashless economy. Indeed there is no chance of any reversal in the status quo. As such, the only available option for everyone to consider is being cautious and conscious. Regardless of whether you are knowledgeable in the computer literacy or not, you have the obligation to learn and understand the tricks and strategies used by fraudsters and scammers to harm their innocent and unsuspecting victims.

The case of government workers who receive their salaries through the Controller and Accountant General’s Department will be our focus point in this article. Occasionally, some employees suffer from the threatening actions of these fraudulent individuals. In some cases, people use some dubious means to access loans from banks and financial institutions using the details such as staff ID of other employees. This becomes possible, when employees exposed their log in details to their payslips which makes it very easy for people to have access to them. Your staff ID and password are most crucial for you to keep essentially as more than a secret that you need to keep in order to save your life. The least mistake you commit with regard to this details can cause a terrible harm to you.

In other instances, some employees also suffer in the hands of insurance companies. Insurance is one of the best ways to safeguard your life and properties awaiting unforseen moments in the future. However, enrolling onto any insurance policy should be by consent by both parties. In some cases, the agents who normally work on commission convince their prospective clients to fill out their form and allow a grace period of some months before deductions can start. But in most cases, out of the insincerity of some agents the moment you fill out these forms without even providing your staff ID, deductions are done from source, thus from CAGD.

It is against this background that the Controller and Accountant General’s Department of the Ministry of Finance has put out this caution statement to the general public especially employees who receive their monthly salaries through the CAGD. This caution crops up the moment you log in to the CAGD’s platform. As indicated, the CAGD has cautioned employees to desist from disclosing the details to Third Parties. “CAGD is not liable for any financial loss resulting from disclosing your employee details password to Third Parties”.

Clearly, it is at your risk to disclose your details to anybody for any reason. It is worthy to note however that, this caution did not come out of a vacuum. Instead, it came probably as a result of some information and and complaints received from affected employees. This is why you need to treat this notice with the needed attention and seriously.

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