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King James II, king of the Scots from 1437 to 1460 banned his citizen’s from playing football or golf in an Act of Parliament on March 6, 1457. The reason was Scotsmen had allegedly been playing these games in the streets and churchyards instead of practicing their archery skills for their mandatory military training. The ban was decreed as “No part of the country should football, golf, or other such pointless sports be practiced but, for the common good and defense of the country”.
The ban is the first written mention of a game called golf in history. Historians believe that by the mid-1500’s, there was a game that was being played with different clubs over long distances into a hole in the ground. A Latin grammar book was found to be used to teach Vocabula, which was published in 1636 by Aberdeen, a Scotland schoolmaster. In 1744, the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers wrote down the first rules of the game known as the Thirteen Articles for their tournament at the Leith Links in Edinburgh. Over the next hundred years, those hundred rules were adopted by more than thirty clubs. Since 1552, golf has been played at St. Andrews, Scotland and it was at St. Andrews Golf Links that the R&A was formed and the eighteen hole round was introduced. The first visual evidence of golf is a painting of St. Andrews, which dates from the 1740’s .
The photo portrays four golfers and two caddies. The Old Course at St. Andrews is widely considered as the oldest course in the world. St. Andrews is known as the “home of golf” but the Chinese claimed in the early 2000’s that their ancestors were playing the game long before the Scots. A 2006 exhibit in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum laid out such evidence of their people playing the game in ancient China called “chuiwan” (meaning hit ball in Chinese). America’s origin of golf is closely linked to Scotland however, the first reference to golf in America came much earlier in 1659 through a Dutch ordinance in Fort Orange, New York which is now Albany. Charles Blair McDonald, a student of St. Andrews University studied the game at the St. Andrews Golf Links and is considered as the father of American golf course architect’s. He built the Chicago Golf Club in 1893, which was the country’s first eighteen hole course.
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