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Do you want to cure gonorrhea, typhoid, diabetes, quick ejaculation, menstrual pains and others?


1. Bitter leaves2. Coconut water

How to Prepare bitter leaf and coconut water combo to use It treat all this that I mention here. 

1. Wash the Bitter Leaf thoroughly.

2. Squeeze the leaf a little inside a cup but not to the extent of the water coming out.

3. Add one glass of coconut water and cover it.

4. Leave the mixture overnight for 12 -24 hours.

5. You can store the mixture in the fridge to be used daily.

Health benefits of bitter leaf and coconut water

The Health Benefits of the Mixture:

1. It will then flush out the bacteria that cause gonorrhoea, Staphylococcal infections and both oral and genital herpes.

2. It will stop discharge from the organ.

3. It will treat chlamydia

4. It will lower your blood pressure

5. It will cure typhoid and stomach ache

6. It detoxifies your liver of harmful substances.

7. It eliminates worms responsible for aches in the stomach.

8. It removed excess sugar from the body. Good for persons living with diabetes

9. It treats quick ejaculation and low sperm count

10. It keeps your kidney in good shape.

11. Burns excess body fat Good for weight loss

12. Reduce blood cholesterol

13. Coconut water is good for brain health and neuronal degeneration according to research published in 2012.

14. Boost ovulation in women, especially for women trying to conceive

15. A mixture of bitter leaves soaked in coconut water increases blood flow to the genitals. It, therefore, improves sexual libido, penile erection and sexual stamina for both the male and the female.

16. Regulates menstruation

17. A mixture of coconut water and bitter leaf has anticancer properties, anti-inflammatory properties, antimicrobial properties, antiviral properties, and anti-ulcer properties.

Content created and supplied by: Alphahealth (via Opera
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Bitter Leaf

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