Welcome to my channel once again dear reader, In today’s article we shall discuss about early mistakes guys make while pursuing a lady.
1. Discussing other women, for example an ex girlfriend (save it for later if you must) Showing yourself as disorganized, sloppy, and generally is a hot mess.
2. Taking cue signs as signals to get laid. Well, isn’t this the most common one?? Mostly guys mistake initial signs of friendship as an implied consent to get laid. Well, this can be the major turn off and you can end up being labelled as a pervert.
3.Flirting in the pervasive manner. Remember the difference between the nonchalant and playful flirting and pervasive and jerk behavior.
4. Acting like you own her. Seriously, don’t do this in the initial stage of relationship. Don’t be a control freak. Give her some private space. She will get pissed off otherwise.
5. Trying to woo her with gifts, flowers, money, or your accomplishments. Being “too nice” – in an attempt to make her think you unconditionally accept her mistakenly think that because a woman is attractive, she somehow is better, or doesn’t have faults.
6. Texting her way too much and oversaturating any potential interest that was there Pursuing a woman at all. Forget pursuit. If you want a woman then tell her honestly and let it go. Let her come to you. In life, if you chase something, it runs. You have to let it go for it to come back to you.
7. Taking photographs and selfies often with her , (do not take photographs often it makes you look cheap and she is still doubting your intentions). Besides, Talking too long on phones. Girls talk a lot, but like guys who talk less, this is a catch.
8. Chivalry- “Don’t take it too far”. Okay, so time to get real now. Girls don’t like too much of flattery. We want equality. girls don’t want to be treated like a princess every dam time. Too much flattery sounds fake.
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