The American Lottery (The Diversity Visa Program) portal is open and people are running here and there to apply for a golden opportunity to win a Green Card to the United States. Undoubtedly, the standard of living in these advanced countries is high. Citizens enjoy numerous privileges that has caused some Africans to call these advanced countries “Heaven.”
The reason for the commencement American Lottery of the American Lottery, unknown to many Africans, may not be appealing at all. After thorough consideration, the American Immigration Service decided to favour them (Americans) and not the immigrants.
They realised that some employers depended on immigrants to harvest the nation’s crops, sew garments, or wash dishes in restaurants, jobs that many U.S. citizens found unattractive.
Doctors and health professionals recruited from overseas were often hired to staff small-town hospitals in places where American professionals felt socially isolated.
Businesses and universities welcomed foreign-born engineers and computer programmers because relatively few American students pursued these fields of study. A lottery system for entrance visas was designed to maintain the diversity of the immigrant pool by selecting a limited number of migrants by chance rather than by national origin.
However, some Africans believe that the ‘Hell” in “Heaven” is better than the “Heaven” in “Hell,” and thus have decided to apply for this lottery. However, people who are criticised for their involvement in this lottery service are Christians. Christians speak against the lottery, so why should they involve themselves in the American lottery?
The first thing every believer must consider is that God respects your conscience. The Bible says in Romans 14: 22 – 23 that “As for the faith you do have, have it as your conviction before God. How blessed is the person who has no reason to condemn himself because of what he approves!”
Paul gave clarity by finishing that “But the person who has doubts is condemned if he eats (if he does something) because he does not act in faith, and anything that is not done in faith is sin.” This shows that if you think American Lottery is bad in the first place, then keep away from it.
Those who do not think it is bad should also consider that people stake lotteries with small money seeking multiplication. The American Lottery is free. Being chosen randomly is not a bad thing. The application just means that I am available if you need me.
Even after the death of Judas, the disciples prayed and cast a lot to determine who succeed him. Was that a lottery? No! If you have the chance to apply for the American Lottery, do so. Africa is increasingly becoming a difficult place to live.
The only issue is that if you think that the American Lottery is bad, then God expects you to abstain from it. Do not condemn others when they do it too. Be led!
Content created and supplied by: Graceazure (via Opera
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