As it is popularly known in Africa, it is your marriage our wedding.
Yes, when two individuals decide to come together in holy matrimony and become one, they join their families together too. Although the bond between the families might not be as strong as the bond between husband and wife, the two families become one two.
So on the special occasion of two people being joined together and two families becoming one, every individual must look their best and be extremely elegant because why not?
It is after all a day of celebration and excitement. Today I specifically and specially bring you amazing styles that the groom and bride’s mother can wear for the special occasion after all it’s their wedding too.
These styles will make them look 20 years younger than they already are and leave them elegant and everyone else speechless.
Let’s get right into it,
What do you think?
These styles are beautiful right?
Comment down below, it really is great to be young.
Content created and supplied by: iamcarthy (via Opera
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