Materials Needed:
1. Ginger 2 or 3 roots
2. Garlic 1 bulb
3. CucumberÂ
4. Onion 1 bulb
5. Original honey 1 bottle
1. Wash all ur items thoroughly (1-4).
2. Peel off the skin of your garlic and onion.
3. Cut them into tiny bits.
4. Put all of them in your blender and blend all the ingredients (1-4).
5. Mix it with your honey.
6. Pour all in a very clean bottle.
7. Take either 3 tablespoons or 4 tablespoons very early in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals.
8. Take it continuously for 1 month.
9. The 1 bottle preparation can last for about 3 weeks.
10. Make another one to complete the 1-month duration.
11. If you take it for 2-3 weeks you will see changes and if you can complete the 4 weeks, you will be very happy in this world.Â
When buying your Cucumber, choose the same size as you wish your manhood to be. size you get is too small, you can then buy either two or three.
If you are a woman make it for your partner in order not to cheat on him.
If your manhood is too small and you cannot use it to your satisfaction make this remedy for yourself.Â
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