The dark line on your pregnant belly is the linea nigra, in some cases called the pregnancy line. Around 80% of pregnant ladies will see the linea nigra structure during pregnancy. It ordinarily appears after the main trimester. It isn’t interesting to pregnancy. It can form when you are not pregnant, even in men
The linea nigra is a latin term which literally translates to ‘black line’. It is the name used to describe the dark vertical line which often appears on the abdomen of pregnant women around the middle of pregnancy.
There are a modest bunch of irregular characteristics that individuals swear can decide the orientation of a pregnant individual’ s child. Some of them appear to be illogical, for instance, in the event that a pregnant individual hungers for sweet food varieties over pungent ones, they’ re purportedly having a young lady. Or on the other hand assuming a pregnant individual’ s hands are dry during their pregnancy, that probably implies they’ re conveying a kid, or no big deal either way.
There is nothing you can do to prevent the pregnancy line. It is a natural part of pregnancy. The good news is that it usually lessens and fades away shortly after the birth of your baby. You may think the dark line running up your stomach is unsightly. The good news is, a linea nigra is not harmful.
Content created and supplied by: OhemaaLena2 (via Opera
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