We normally say education is the key if only you wants to become a successful or intelligent person in the future. That is why every parent must try his or her best to make sure they invest in their child’s education. Well, parents also believe so much in teachers and school authorities that is why they always leave their children in the care of teachers and school authorities to teach them and also protect them on campus. But sometimes some teachers end up doing unbelievable things with the students on campus.
According to a video spotted on social media, a man believe to be the headmaster of a certain school was caught on camera hitting some student’s head together in a form of punishment. After hitting their head together he continued to slap them one after the other.
Well, this got many people talking on social media as some demands for his arrest and jail immediately. How can he do this to these young students as a school headmaster. I think he must at least alert the parents first about what every the students did rather than punishing them by crashing their head together. What do you also think?
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