Weddings are a beautiful and colourful event. During weddings, there is excitement, positive energy, good vibes and well wishes.
Marriage is the joining together of two families, people from different backgrounds with different opinions are joined together due to two people in love.
As it is popularly known, it is your marriage, our wedding in most African countries. In Ghana, marriage is between two individuals but the wedding is between two families, why is this so? Every individual from both families will like to have a say in the decision making of the event.
Although there are ups and downs when planning a marriage, it is a must for the parents of the bride and groom to look lovely as the couple enjoy their day. After all it’s their wedding too
Today, I bring you 6 stylish and elegant designs to make your mother look boujie at your wedding or beautiful styles you can wear at your son’s or daughter’s wedding.
Let’s get right into it;
What do you think about these? Elegant right.
These styles will leave you happy and pleased on that special day. It will be a memory you will want to remember forever.
Let’s us know what you think?
Content created and supplied by: iamcarthy (via Opera
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