Life isn’t always a bed of roses, and everyone has to jump through a few hoops in order to be happy and powerful. Navigating through life can expose you to a variety of situations that make you feel uneasy and make you think, “I don’t think I can do this.”
Discomfort can sometimes be a sign of life’s progress, evolution, and success. So, if you’re having trouble dealing with life’s challenges, keep in mind that you’re simply leveling up. It’s only a matter of time before you live your best life.
Here Are 6 Uncomfortable Feelings That Indicate You Are On The Right Track In Life:
1. You Feel Lost
It’s actually a wonderful thing to feel directionless in life since it signifies you’re becoming more present. Instead of always worrying about what happened in the past or what might happen in the future, you are living in the now.
Happiness has a lot to do with focusing on the present and being with it.
Even while it is a good idea to plan for the future, if you are continually ignoring your present in order to plan for the future, you are simply not enjoying your life fully.
2. You feel that negative thoughts are your worst enemy
You begin to recognize that your thoughts influence your experiences, and it’s not until we’ve been pushed to our limits that we attempt to regulate and manage them. And it’s at that point that you realize you’ve always been in command.
When you notice yourself pushing aside all negative ideas in favor of good ones, you’ll know you’re on the right track.Â
3. You’re having trouble sleeping
When you find yourself unable to get a decent night’s sleep, take it as a sign of wonderful things to come. You may feel compelled to sleep more, or you may feel compelled to sleep less. You might even wake up in the middle of the night because your mind is racing with thoughts and ideas that you can’t seem to get out of your head. You can feel energized at times or exhausted at others.
Extreme emotions will reveal a lot about your trip, so pay attention to them. Concentrate on them and guide them in a more productive and good direction.
4. You will want to spend alone time more.
You’ll find that socializing with friends, partying, and drinking no longer appeal to you.
You’ll want to spend more time alone because you want to focus on yourself and what you need to be happy and fulfilled.
Being surrounded by a hundred people all of the time will exhaust you and make you feel as though they aren’t offering anything to your life. This signifies that you are attempting to re-calibrate your life.
5. You have vivid dreams most of the time
If your subconscious mind communicates with you through dreams (or projects a picture of your experience), then your mind is undoubtedly trying to communicate with you. This occurs when you begin to have dreams that are more intense than you’ve ever had before.
Dreaming vividly and powerfully is a sign that you’re on the right course in life, so take it as a sign that you’re progressing.
6. You focus on quality more than quantity, when it comes to your friends
You will want to surround yourself with individuals who will add value to your life and from whom you will learn a lot of positive things at some point in your life. You don’t want people in your life who are only interested in wasting your time and exploiting you for their personal gain.
You’ll know you’re on the right track when you start focusing on the quality of people in your life rather than the quantity.
Negative people will no longer have a place in your life. Not at all.
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Content created and supplied by: Bronzeman (via Opera
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