A wealthy Zimbabwean man has been buried in a customized vehicle coffin, and people are talking about it. Buried in a customized vehicle coffin, the rich Zimbabwean man has caused a stir on Social Media. A dead man was buried in a customized vehicle coffin that caused a stir on social media. The casket which has the body of a wealthy Zimbabwean has been pointed out for its expensive nature by social media users and critics.
The deceased wealthy businessman’s family decided to bury him in a customized vehicle coffin to honour him and show their love for him. This news has caused a stir on social media with most of the people asking why this man was buried with such a significant amount of money.
The casket which is coated with gold, leather interior and even designed to look like the person’s favourite car is said to be worth millions. However, this luxurious way of burying the man has come under attack by some internet users who are questioning why the family would bury a dead man with such an expensive coffin.
“What’s the point of spending millions on a coffin that will end up in the ground?” One commenter asked.
Content created and supplied by: Mainooco (via Opera
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