Welcome to my page for another time. I will be sharing with you about a picture Cristiano Ronaldo has shared with his twin that survived.
Cristiano Ronaldo and his wife, Georgina Rodriguez gave birth to twins not long ago. The twins were male and female but due to health complications, the male did not survive. Many people across the world sent in their condolences to the family about the death of the child. Cristiano Ronaldo has recently shared a picture with the other twin that survived. Take a look at the picture he shared below.
Cristiano Ronaldo is arguably the Greatest Player of All Time in the history of football. He is currently the player with more goals in the world for both club and country football team. He is also the only player to have score more than 100 goals in both the English Premiere League and the Spanish Premiere League. He has also scored sixty Hat-tricks in his entire career. I will pick Ronaldo over Messi on any day, what about you?
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