1. Take care of yourself
I know you believe that men are born defenders and it is their duty to protect the women they love at all costs. It’s not far from that.
But that doesn’t mean men and women are not equal in love.
When a woman truly loves you, she will feel an overwhelming desire to take care of you.
She may not be physically stronger than you and may not be able to protect you in that regard, but this woman will definitely cater to your needs and ensure your well-being.
He will show it in the little things: he will take care of whether you are eating right, whether you are getting enough sleep and returning home safely.
2. Avoid him
When a girl loves you, she will do anything to ensure your happiness. This woman will do everything in her power to make you happy and simplify your life.
He will be happy to cook your favorite meal, take you to a concert with a group that hates you, take care of you when you are sick, or do anything else to show his love for you.
3. I’m sorry
Unfortunately, one of the signs that a woman really loves you is that she will most likely let you treat her badly.
This woman will tolerate you the most. He will forgive you the things you probably shouldn’t forgive and the things you won’t forgive others.
It’s simple – this woman thinks you’re a better man than you are.
That means he will always try to justify and apologize for your behavior, even if it makes him very depressed.
But that doesn’t mean you use it or should use it. On the contrary, it is what you value most and protect against wrongdoing.
4. He asks you personal questions.
While this may seem extreme, when a girl is interested in you, she will do her best to learn more about you: your values, your passions, and your dreams. This shows that he is genuinely interested in you.
5. Make it a priority.
Another thing a girl who really cares about you will do is always put you first.
This girl will put your wants and needs above her own. Nothing and nothing can change your mind.
He will never be too busy or tired for you. On the other hand, he will always have the time and energy to help you.
He will invest everything he has in you and this relationship because you mean everything to him.
So if you are wise, you will return the favor and refuse to put him second when it puts you first. You prioritize him instead.
Content created and supplied by: Bada004 (via Opera
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