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Non Scientific Ways Of Getting Rid Of Semen.

Some people may want to remove semen from their vagina after sex because they believe that it is more hygienic or hope that doing this can prevent pregnancy.

Semen is a combination of fluids that contains vitamins minerals, and sperm. Sperm is the male reproductive cell, and when it combines with a female’s egg, this may lead to pregnancy.

Semen enters the uterus within minutes of ejaculation. Sperm can live inside the vagina for up to 7 days. Once sperm enters the uterus, there is no scientifically proven way of removing it.

Between a few minutes and several hours after intercourse, some fluid may come out of the vagina. Although some of this may contain sperm, it will mainly consist of a mixture of proteins and vitamins from the ejaculation.

Although anecdotal evidence suggests that there are ways to remove semen from the vagina, there is no scientific proof to support these claims.

Some of the proposed techniques include

1. Urination

Some people incorrectly believe that urinating after sex can flush out sperm from the vagina. However, as urine comes out of a small hole called the urethra, peeing after sex will not remove sperm from the vagina

2. Shower or douching

People may shower or douche to try to remove semen from their vagina, but this is unlikely to work, as the water will be unable to reach the semen in the uterus

3. Bathing

The logic behind having a bath to remove semen is that it will wash the sperm out. However, this will not work, as the water will not reach the uterus

5. Vinegar

Some people believe that inserting vinegar into the vagina may kill sperm due to vinegar’s high level of acidity. There is no scientific evidence to prove this, and putting vinegar into the vagina may lead to irritation.

Content created and supplied by: LizzyMedia (via Opera
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