1 Christopher Columbus the founder of America believed the earth was shaped as a woman’s breast
2.Shrek was based off a real person named Maurice Tillet, he was a French wrestler who married a beautiful woman.
3.The worlds oldest mask which is estimated to be over 9000 years old was found in the Judaean Dessert of Israel
4.The Eiffel Tower was going to be originally erected in Spain, Barcelona. This didnt happen because the inhabitants thought it was an eyesore(ugly).
5 The term salary was used when people were being paid using salt which was its worth in gold.
Salary=salt payment
6 In 1567, a man named Hans Steininger who had the longest beard in the world tripped over it when running away from a fire and died.
7. In 1973 China had a lot of women and offered 10 million to the USA. They are still the most populated country.
8 A small dose of Sodium Pentothal when injected can make you unable to lie and reveal everything you know.
9.Gymnophoria is the sense that somebody is mentally undressing you.
10 An Orange mushroom called Dictyophora reportedly secrets an odor that gives women instantaneous orgasms.
this mushroom is said to be found in the Hawaiian lava flows
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