All men have several vulnerable factors that make us moan with pleasure, which all of us realize flawlessly. How could it be any other way? Girls have several weak points that we are going to realize in awesome detail today.Â
# Female breasts Most women enjoy it when their significant other kisses and teases their breasts with their fingers. However, if you want to squeeze them, you must do so very carefully. It feels amazing to have them squeezed if done correctly. It is a turn-off if your technique is crude.
# The ears, the neck, or the sexual organs are the weak points that we all understand, but at least there are 1/2 a dozen more points that we must display and realize how to care for and manage so that you can seduce and conquer any woman.
# Forehead. Same as with Tips. Kissing on the forehead tends to create emotional bonds, so ladies it when being kissed on their forehead. it often turns them on.
# Cheeks. Kissing a women’s cheek is fine whether the intimacy is going to be casual or involves emotions too.
# Fingers and hands. Another sensitive part of women most men are not even aware of is the fingers and hands. According to most women, It feels nice to be kissed or touched on the fingers and then the touches move up the hands towards the arms.
Content created and supplied by: BansonHenry (via Opera
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