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Thursday, March 6, 2025
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I Started Hiding my Body From Him Because Of What He Said To Me- Lady Narrates

“Can a guy propose to a lady he doesn’t like?” I asked a male buddy a few days ago. “What do you mean?” he said in response to my query. What you’re saying is that the guy doesn’t love the lady but still proposes to her. “Yeah, something along those lines,” I replied. When a guy meets a female, he recognizes that she is physically unsuitable for him, yet he persists in piquing her interest in him and eventually proposes to her.”

“Any person who does it is not normal,” he said. “That’s the precise solution I’m looking for,” I thought to myself. He’s insane, or something in his brain isn’t operating properly.” That’s my boyfriend I’m referring to. Should I call him my ex-boyfriend or ex-husband? Because I’m not sure if we’re still together or if we’ve called it quits.

A year ago, a friend brought him to my notice. Until he started pressing at me, I regarded him as a friend’s buddy. I didn’t pay him any attention at first. It’s very natural for a friend of a friend to want to be your buddy. He texted me after obtaining my contact information from a mutual acquaintance. “I’ve got your number now,” he continued, “so brace yourself for pro max disruptions.” “Do you want Ultra turbulences, or do you want Ultra turbulences The way he stated it was amusing to me. “I’m an iPhone user, therefore I’ll go with the pro max,” I said. “That’s a very good point.” From that moment on, there was some form of friendship. He’ll remark on anything I post on social media, especially if I’m in a photo with another male. “Is it the fortunate one?” he’ll inquire. “No, he isn’t,” I’ll reply. “I know who he is.” “He’s only a buddy,” I’ll tell you.

He finally asked himself the question he’d been itching to ask: “If everyone is simply a buddy, where is that lucky guy?” As he expressed it, “I didn’t have a lucky person in my life,” so I told him, “No lucky guy.” “A gorgeous girl like you? I’m just a blessed lady surviving day by day by his grace.” He didn’t believe me or muttered something that sounded like he didn’t believe me. You haven’t got anyone? So, what are those folks doing around you doing? ” When he asked for a date, I agreed. I asked a mutual acquaintance to join us that day, but he subsequently called to tell her not to come since he wanted us to be alone. I was expecting him to propose, so I practised my refusal speech. He did not propose that night. He wanted us to converse and get to know one other, so it turned out to be a laid-back night. We went on numerous occasions together, and he even dropped by my office unannounced to bring me lunch. He was doing everything a guy in love would do for a woman. “I like you,” he proposed one day. I’ve made it a point to get to know you better and make you mine from the first time I saw you. You completely meet my desires, and I’m curious if you have room in your heart to adore someone like me.”

I took my turn at being difficult to get. For a month, I dragged my feet on the suggestion. “What do you actually enjoy about me?” I inquired. “Everything!” he said. You’re incredibly attractive. You don’t speak much, but what you do say is amazing. For me, you check all the criteria. You are a really serious person when it comes to working, and you inspire me to do more for myself because if I don’t, I won’t be able to compete in your league.” I didn’t know what the answer should be for me to say “Perfect answer” when I posed the question, but the answer he gave me made me feel “awwww,” thus I accepted his proposal.

We got along swimmingly. We were having a great time and making plans for the future until I noticed a pattern of comments every time we got together. He’d smack my buttocks and exclaim, “Eiish, bones!” when we were laying in bed together. Right from the start. “Is it because he doesn’t like the way my butt is or he simply loves to torment me?” I wondered. The joke switched from my buttocks to my chest after that. “Is that all?” he’ll ask, cupping my breast in his hand. Papa, esusua eiish eiish eisua eisua eis Ankaa twedi ankaa ankaa ankaa ankaa ankaa ankaa ankaa ankaa ankaa (They are as small as limes).

And those are the two areas of my physique where I had previously felt self-conscious. It took me a long time to reach my brazier size when I was younger. It was impossible to squeeze them all in. I eventually went with the foam ones. I didn’t want to project what I didn’t have, but the foam ones made sense around my breast. They made it appear as though I had something on my breast, and they made certain clothes flattering on me. The world would not notice if I went without a bra for days. Used to be that I was concerned. “What was God thinking when he got to my breast?” I used to ask myself as I stood in front of the mirror, staring at them.

Was that his thought? “As I grew older, though, I started to embrace them as friends. I realized there was nothing I could do to stop them. I made peace with them and found joy in their appearance. It’s also my butt. Friends used to give them a lot of negative press. Some people advised that I perform squats every day to help it develop. It’s why I went to the gym in the first place. “I want to develop some ass,” I told the gym teacher when he asked what my main motive for being there was. I was serious, but he laughed. I checked them out in the mirror after many months at the gym.

“We’re still flat,” they both yelled. I stopped going to the gym and accepted them as they are: flat and fine. I can make jokes with them now because I’m at ease with how they are, but they were my embarrassment when I was younger. They were the source of my uneasiness. They were the reason I didn’t think I was attractive enough. “I’m a white lady in a black body,” I tell people now. “Take care of it.”

Perhaps I had those two things in mind when I asked him what he appreciated about me that day. I knew I had something he wouldn’t like about me, but if he loves a lot of other things about me, that will compensate for what he doesn’t like about me. “What is it about my butt and breast that makes you so infatuated with them?” I inquired when I recognized the tendency of taunting. Every day, you bring them up. “Are you sure you don’t have anything else to say than talking about them?” “They are too little,” he said again, jokingly, before adding, “But I like them the way they are.” “I’m a white woman dressed in black skin,” I told him. You’ve got two bodies in one if you have me. “You are really fortunate.”

He didn’t take any breaks. It was a point of contention for us. I told him to quit putting me down. I told him I’d already gone through internal struggles over them and that it’s because I’d won that I’m confident in myself, therefore he shouldn’t take me back. “But can’t we claim it’s small?” he’ll say. They are, after all, rather colossal. “Are you satisfied with your situation?”

I began concealing my body from him. When we were together, the light had to go off first, then my garments. I came to a halt in front of him, naked. It became a tremendous quarrel when he sought super in the afternoon. He’d have to do it while I’m still dressed. Then I stopped having super with him since he wouldn’t stop talking about my belongings.

Two of his male pals and I went out one day. Several of the pals arrived with their girlfriends, so I sat with the female on one side of the table while the boys sat on the other. “Guys, come and look at Hanna,” one of the pals exclaimed as he scrolled through his Facebook account. “I never expected this girl to grow up to be so gorgeous.” They all went to the phone after that. It devolved into a debate. “Look at her hips and ass,” one person commented. “Where did she obtain all of that?” you might wonder. “It’s a ruse,” the other remarked. Aren’t we all familiar with her? Who would have labelled her unattractive if she had this while we were in school?”

I began to consider my own situation right there. “Then there’s hope for my girlfriend,” my boyfriend said. “When you acquire money, I’ll give you her phone number so you may contact her,” he continued as he turned to face me. She’ll show you where she got hers mended so you can do the same.”

The table was deafeningly silent. One of the pals was attempting to keep his laughter to a minimum. He couldn’t stop laughing, even though his lips were swollen. “Don’t mind me,” my lover responded when he realized he’d said something terrible.

“Please believe me when I say that I’m merely joking.” “I know where my ex went to make his joystick enlarged,” I said. Tell me when you’re ready. “I’ll drive you there.” The laughing in his friend’s mouth then spilt forth, and everyone followed suit. “We all have something to mend, anaa?” I asked. He was visibly enraged, but he kept his composure. “You think you’re shaming me?” he asked. All of the guys here have seen me naked before, so they know you’re lying. “Please, we don’t know anything,” one of the friends pleaded. A new round of hilarity ensues.

When we were driving home, he didn’t say anything. I was even expecting us to return home together, but he stepped out of the cab and said, “See you later.” He had not even paid the fare for his taxi. When I returned home, I slept like a baby. From then, things went downhill. He seldom answers my calls or responds to my Whatsapp messages, despite the fact that he reads them. I gave up trying as a result. We can spend a week without speaking to one other at the moment. He’ll make a remark about my standing, and I’ll reply. That is all I have to say about the subject. It’s nothing major. I’m tempted to inquire whether we’re still together sometimes, but I don’t believe it’s essential. This is how I prefer it. The split isn’t unexpected. It progresses slowly until you are ready to go on. There are no wounds and no agony.

Content created and supplied by: mCjill (via Opera
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