When it comes to looking for love everyone can look for love everywhere and live happily ever after.
The date rush show is a show for individuals who are single and are willing to find love to ever try their luck in finding a date from the show.
Robert and Lovely are lovers from the date rush show who have taken their relationship to the next level to the amazement of the lovers of the show.
Surprisingly there was love at first sight the very moment Robert chose Lovely over three different ladies on the show that day because he kissed her immediately on stage.
Robert and Lovely are very much into each other because the two have been seen together on several occasions looking great.
Robert is a fashion designer while Lovely is also a beautician.
In fact love is indeed a beautiful thing to behold when one finds true love.
Date rush everyone deserves love.
Content created and supplied by: Scarletbuggarti (via Opera
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