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Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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The Truth About the Purpose of Pubic Hair.

Have you ever stopped, looked down, and asked yourself, “Why do we have pubic hair?” Wondering if there’s some grand purpose of pubic hair makes sense because, when you think about it, pubic hair is one of those things that unites most of humanity. No matter who someone is or where they come from, chances are they have pubic hair after they reach a certain age (unless they don’t grow pubic hair due to a health condition like alopecia). So, seriously, why do we have pubic hair in the first place? What is the purpose of pubic hair? Are there any medical reasons to groom it?

What is the purpose of pubic hair?

Like most hair on your body, pubic hair is thought to have some protective benefits. “It may act as a gatekeeper for preventing dirt from entering the vagina. It might also serve as a cushion of sorts to protect against friction from sex or other forms of exercise, or even a covering to keep those parts warm (like much of the rest of our body hair). None of this means that there is necessarily anything wrong with choosing to trim or remove your pubic hair, however. It’s simply an indication that there isn’t a strong medical argument for removing it.

Another theory around the purpose of pubic hair has to do with pheromones, or chemicals your body produces that send subconscious messages to other human animals, potential mates. One theory is that you produce pheromones, which your pubic hair then traps. It does make sense that the smell from pubic hair can sexually entice your partner.

Additionally, many scientists think apocrine sweat glands, which are plentiful in areas that have lots of hair follicles such as the pubic region could create pheromones, and, interestingly, that these glands don’t really start working until puberty.

With that said, science is divided when it comes to pheromones. There’s debate over what they really are or do, and there’s also no conclusive evidence that they even exist in humans.

Content created and supplied by: GanyoEdem (via Opera
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